Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Date's Ex, Who Liked Sex...

So, date number two. I was able to sleep in on the morning of the date, but unfortunately woke up feeling like I had swallowed a packet of lady glide razors. See, this is why I wax! I battled through – in denial that I might be getting sick. I really did not want to cancel this date.

By lunchtime – I had sculled so much Lemsip that I was sure that I could ignore the aching glands, the increasing headache – I was NOT getting sick. Lemsip and Nurofen are my friends. I was determined to go on this date, even if my husky voice was sounding more and more like a man. Hey, some guys like it. While I was planning what to wear, Mr Date called – sick with flu! Instant thought - here it comes, he’s going to cancel! No, instead, just a change of plans. Dvd’s and pizza at my place – a “pity” party! Joy! I hadn’t struck out!

So, 6.30pm promptly, he turns up with pizza, tissues, more Lemsip (awww), wine and dvd’s. Ten points for effort, but Lemsip and wine, probably not one of the best mixtures. Bedtime Stories (the funny one with Adam Sandler) – good choice; Knocked Up (another good choice); and The Sex & The City Movie! My eyebrow rose slightly at this particular choice, as it seemed to be a quite a strange choice for a man. I wasn’t going to say anything, but he noticed the eyebrow raise, and simply said... “Oh, my ex LOVED that movie – a really good chick flick! Pizza?”

Um, okkkaaayyy..... At least the quick notion that he might have been gay was cleared up.

So, I love SATC (the movie)– one of my favourite movies...I not only own it on dvd, but I own the whole damn box set of the tv series- did I really need to know that his ex loved it as well. Many of my exes liked pizza, but I don’t go blurting that out on the second effing date. How on earth was I expected to sit through that movie with him and NOT feel as though his ex was sitting right next to us! I had no intention of doing any such thing. Strike one...

So, we sat and ate pizza and started watching Bedtime Stories... and we “snuggled” up on the couch. Snuggling on the second date... a good sign, but I was hoping to be doing a lot more than snuggling before we got to the Knocked Up dvd... .

By 9pm however, I knew that there would be nothing more than snuggling going on... He was out cold and snoring. Sure, it may have been because he was a bit fluey, or it could have been the wine, but hey –a little bit of effort to at least stay awake might have been appreciated! I wasn’t feeling the best either, but at least I managed to not to pass out to the land of freaking NOD! (Half a strike)...

What was I to do? I tried to wake him, but couldn’t... He was most certainly out for the count. I grabbed a spare doona threw it over him, and went to bed, all by myself! Yup, that’s how the second date went.

Were my expectations too high? Did I bore him into a coma? Should I be glad that he didn’t drop dead?

He did stay the entire night though – and did not leave until around 7am this morning. I do enjoy his company - and if he does call, I will definately see him again. I just hope, that I'm not some sorta rebound girl for him --- I mean, seriously - how hung up on his ex must he be to have mentioned her on our second date?